Azure Monitor Azure Monitor

Precise, real-time monitoring of all Azure resource data

Azure Monitor maximizes the availability and performance of your applications and services by delivering a comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from your cloud and on-premises environments. It helps you understand how your applications are performing and proactively identifies issues affecting them and the resources they depend on.

Pricing Details

Log Data Ingestion

Log Analytics and Application Insights charge for data they ingest. For Log Analytics and workspace-based Application Insights, data can be ingested as two different types of logs: Analytics Logs and Basic Logs . Analytics Logs make your data available for powerful analytics queries with retention options up to 2 years and data archive up to 7 years. Basic Logs allow you to search your data interactively for up to 8 days, and this data can be archived for up to 7 years. Basic Logs can be used to reduce the cost of storing high-volume verbose logs you use for debugging, troubleshooting and auditing, but not for deep analytics and alerts.

The billable data volume is calculated using a customer friendly, cost-effective method. The billed data volume is defined only as the size of the data that will be stored, and excludes a set of standard columns and any JSON wrapper that was part of the data received for ingestion. Thus, the billable data volume is substantially smaller than the size of the entire JSON-packaged event, often less than 50%. It is essential to understand this calculation of billed data size when estimating costs. Learn more.

Analytics Logs

There are two ways to pay for ingesting data as Analytics Logs: Pay-As-You-Go and Commitment Tiers. The Pay-As-You-Go pricing offers flexible pay-for-what-you-use pricing by simply charging for the volume of data ingested. With Commitment Tiers you are billed a fixed predictable fee starting at a 100 GB per day level. Data ingested above the Commitment Tier is billed at the same per-GB price as the current tier. Commitment Tiers provide you with a discount on data ingestion based on your selected commitment tier. Commitment tiers have a 31-day commitment period ( learn more ). For Application Insights users, your resource must be workspace-based to leverage the Commitment Tiers. Some data types, including Azure Activity Logs , are free from data ingestion charges . Data ingested as Basic Logs (see below) are not billed as analytics Pay-As-You-Go or against a Commitment Tier.

CAPACITY PRICE Effective Per GB Price 1 Savings Over Pay-As-You-Go
Pay-As-You-Go ¥ 23.4/GB (5 GB per billing account per month included) ¥ 23.4/GB 0%
100 GB/day ¥ 1994.5/day ¥ 19.94/GB 15%
200 GB/day ¥ 3744.77/day ¥ 18.72/GB 20%
300 GB/day ¥ 5495.04/day ¥ 18.31/GB 22%
400 GB/day ¥ 7163.9/day ¥ 17.9/GB 23%
500 GB/day ¥ 8802.24/day ¥ 17.6/GB 25%
1,000 GB/day ¥ 17,299.2/day ¥ 17.3/GB 26%
2,000 GB/day ¥ 33,784.32/day ¥ 16.7/GB 28%
5,000 GB/day ¥ 81,916.8 /day ¥ 16.38/GB 30%
10,000 GB/day ¥ 159,152.64/day ¥ 15.9/GB 32%
25,000 GB/day ¥ 386,179.2/day ¥ 15.45/GB 34%
50,000 GB/day ¥ 748,953.6/day ¥ 14.98/GB 36%
1 1Data size is measured in GB (10^9 bytes). Details of its calculation are available for Log Analytics and Application Insights .

Basic Logs

Select types of high volume data that can be managed without the full set of analytics capabilities can be ingested into Log Analytics as Basic Logs . Basic Logs include only 8 days of retention and can be archived for up to 7 years.

Feature Price
Basic Log data ingestion ¥5.088 per GB of data ingested
Basic Log search ¥0.05088 per GB of data scanned

Data Retention

Every GB of data ingested into your Azure Monitor Log Analytics workspace can be retained at no charge for up to first 31 days. Data retained beyond first 31 days will be charged per the data retention prices listed below.

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.
Features Free units included Price
Data Retention 31 days 4 ¥1.22/GB/month
4 For Azure Sentinel enabled workspaces the data is retained for free for 90 days.

Log Data Archive and Restore

Data ingested into Log Analytics can also be archived and thus stored at costs lower than normal analytics retention. Searching archived logs is done using asynchronous search jobs which incur a cost for the data scanned executing the search plus the cost of ingesting the search results (per the normal Log Data Ingestion prices). Archived logs can also be restored to enable full interactive analytics query capabilities. Maintaining restored logs incurs a pro-rated cost per day and per GB based on the time the data is kept restored and the amount of data restored (subject to the minimal restore duration and data volume). There is no charge for querying against restored logs. Learn more about data archive,restore and search jobs.

Feature Price
Data Archive ¥0.2034 per GB per month
Archived logs search job ¥0.05088 per GB of data scanned
Data Restore ¥1.02 per GB per day (2 TB, 12 hour minimum) 1
1 If a restore is kept for less than 12 hours, the restore will be billed for a 12-hour minimum duration. If less than 2 TB of data is restored, the billed volume of restored data will be rounded up to 2 TB for each day (or partial day) that the restore is retained.

Application Insights

Application Insights is billed based on the volume of telemetry data that your application sends and the number of web tests that you choose to run. The telemetry data is billed per Azure Log Analytics data ingestion rates.

*The following prices are tax-inclusive.
Features Price
Standard web tests ¥50.088 per 10K scheduled test execution
Ping web test Free


Native Metrics

Native metrics include platform and custom metrics. Costs for custom metrics are based on the number of samples ingested and the number of API calls made for query. Platform and custom metrics are retained for 90 days. Billing is not yet enabled for custom metrics.

Feature Free units included Price
Platform Metrics Ingestion 5 Unlimited Free
Custom metrics ingestion First 1,000,000 API calls per month ¥0.101 / 1,000 API calls
5 Platform metrics are ingested for free per billing account and include select metrics originating from Azure resources, services and first party solutions. See the list of standard metrics.

Managed service for Prometheus Metrics

Costs for Prometheus metrics are based on the number of samples ingested and processed for queries. The metrics ingestion cost includes 18 months of data retention.

Feature Price
Metrics ingestion ¥1.72 / 10 million samples ingested
Metrics queries 6 ¥0.01 / 10 million samples processed
6 Samples processed is the total number of data points queried using Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) for a given time range. Prometheus metrics alert pricing is based solely on the metrics preview pricing.

Alert rules

An alert rules charged based on the type and number of signals it monitors. A signal can be a resource metric, a log, or an activity log. The cost of an alert rule that monitors multiple signals is the sum of the cost of monitoring each signal and any enabled features.Metric alert rules are billed per each time series monitored.Log alert rules are billed by the interval at which the query is executed. If the query results in multiple dimensions (at-scale log monitoring), there is an additional charge for each dimension (time series) that is evaluated. There is no charge forActivity Log alert rules or other alert rules when they are disabled.

Alert Type Free units included Alert rule price
Time Series Price
Additional cost for metric alert w/ dynamic threshold 4
Activity Log Alert Limited to 100 rules per subscription N/A N/A N/A
Native Metrics 1,2 10 monitored metric time-series per month 3 N/A ¥1.08 ¥1.08
Managed service for Prometheus Metrics Prometheus Metrics alerts are only charged the cost for the Prometheus Metrics query (see above). N/A N/A N/A
Log Alert (15 minute frequency) First time-series is included in the log alert rule ¥5.4 ¥0.5 N/A
Log Alert (10 minute frequency) First time-series is included in the log alert rule ¥10.8 ¥1.02 N/A
Log Alert (5 minute frequency) First time-series is included in the log alert rule ¥16.18 ¥1.52 N/A
Log Alert (1 minute frequency) First time-series is included in the log alert rule ¥30.5 ¥3 N/A
1.Price listed here represents the price of an alert rule monitoring a single metric time-series originating from a single resource.

2.Pricing is applicable to the new generation metric alert rules available under Alerts, previous generation alert rules (Alerts Classic) will continue to be available at no charge
  • Activity logs are available for a 90-day period at no charge. To retain activity log data beyond the 90-day period, activity log data can be routed to a storage account or event hubs. Corresponding charges will apply for storage and event hubs, respectively. No charges are incurred for API calls to pull activity log data.
  • Alerts offered as part of Azure Security Center (ASC) are not currently charged.

3.Pricing of at scale log monitoring is applicable from Scheduled Query Rules API version 2021-02-01, once that version is generally available

4.A dynamic alert is billed for the dynamic threshold capability and the underlying metric alert.


Billed according to the type and quantity of notifications you choose to send.

Features Includes free units Pricing
Email 1,000 emails per month ¥ 20.30/100,000 emails
Webhook 100,000 webhooks per month ¥ 6.10/1,000,000 webhooks
Text message
Country/region code Includes free units Pricing
China (+86) ¥ 0.219165/per text message
Hong Kong SAR, China (+852) ¥ 0.179988/per text message
Australia (+61) ¥ 0.36252/per text message
Austria (+43) ¥ 0.88/per text message
Belgium (+32) ¥ 0.643/per text message
Brazil (+55) ¥ 0.148188/per text message
Chile (+56) ¥ 0.316/per text message
Czech Republic (+420) ¥ 0.535/per text message
Denmark (+45) ¥ 0.269/per text message
Estonia (+372) ¥ 0.722/per text message
Finland (+358) ¥ 0.757/per text message
France (+33) ¥ 0.34344/per text message
Germany (+49) ¥ 0.634855/per text message
India (+91) ¥ 0.026711/per text message
Ireland (+353) ¥ 0.251856/per text message
Israel (+972) ¥ 0.1/per text message
Italy (+39) ¥ 0.532/per text message
Jordan (+962) ¥ 1.241/per text message
Luxembourg (+352) ¥ 0.392/per text message
Malaysia (+60) ¥ 0.611/per text message
Japan (+81) ¥ 0.29256/per text message
Mexico (+52) ¥ 0.168/per text message
Netherlands (+31) ¥ 0.8586/per text message
New Zealand (+64) ¥ 0.772/per text message
Norway (+47) ¥ 0.551/per text message
Portugal (+351) ¥ 0.221/per text message
Romania (+40) ¥ 0.545/per text message
Russia (+7) ¥ 0.507/per text message
Singapore (+65) ¥ 0.197605/per text message
South Africa (+27) ¥ 0.158491/per text message
South Korea (+82) ¥ 0.29892/per text message
Spain (+34) ¥ 0.56/per text message
Switzerland (+41) ¥ 0.382/per text message
Taiwan (+886) ¥ 0.399/per text message
United Arab Emirates (+971) ¥ 0.254/per text message
United Kingdom (+44) ¥ 0.22896/per text message
United States (+1) 100 text messages per month ¥ 0.065635/per text message


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Log Analytics FAQs

Alerts FAQs

Application Insights FAQs

  • How can I control or limit my costs for Application Insights?

    You can set a daily cap on the amount of data that Application Insights will accept from your application, allowing you to control your costs. After the daily cap has been reached, excess data will be ignored for the remainder of the day (in UTC time), and then will resume normally at the start of the next day.

    Additionally, you can use sampling to reduce the amount of data you send to Application Insights from your application.

  • What are nodes and how are how are the per-node data allowances applied under the Application Insights Enterprise pricing option?

    A node is a physical or virtual machine, or a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) instance that's hosting your app. For example, if your application runs on three Azure App Service instances and one virtual machine, then you have four nodes hosting your application. We count the number of distinct nodes sending telemetry data each hour. If a node doesn't send any telemetry during a particular hour, then it's not counted. The monthly per-node pricing above assumes a node is sending telemetry every hour of the month, so if there are periods of inactivity for your application during the month, the actual charge will be lower.

    As your application scales up or down, such as adding additional web servers during peak periods of activity, Application Insights Enterprise charges will scale up or down as well.

    There are a few situations that are excluded from node counting (though data volume is always counted):

    • Developer workstations running an application during debugging are not counted as nodes.
    • Using the JavaScript browser client SDK (or certain other SDKs that don't report “roleInstance”) doesn't count your end-users’ machines as nodes.
    • Using the HockeyApp bridge app doesn't count each mobile device monitored by HockeyApp as nodes.

    What if I use the same node for multiple applications that I’m monitoring? That’s no problem. We only count the unique nodes sending telemetry data within your Azure subscription (billing account). For instance, if you have five separate websites running on the same physical server, and each website is configured with Application Insights Enterprise (charged per node), then collectively these will count as one node.

    You can also have applications using Application Insights Basic (charged per GB) in the same Azure subscription, and this won't affect the node counting for the applications that use Application Insights Enterprise.

    How does the daily 200 MB data work in Application Insights Enterprise? When you choose the Enterprise pricing option, your application gets a daily allowance of data based on the number of nodes sending telemetry. So, if you have five nodes sending data, you will have a pooled allowance of 1 GB per day for your application (as defined by the Application Insights resource you set up). It doesn’t matter if certain nodes are sending more data than other nodes because the included data is shared across all nodes for a given Azure subscription. If, on a given day, you send more data than is included in your daily data pool, the per-GB overage data charges apply. Unused data within your daily allowance doesn't roll over.

    The daily pooled data allowance is calculated as the number of hours in the day that each node is sending telemetry divided by 24 times 200 MB. So, if you have four nodes sending telemetry during 15 of the 24 hours in the day, the included data for that day would be ((4 x 15) / 24) x 200 MB = 500 MB.

    If you choose the Enterprise pricing option for multiple applications within the same Azure subscription, the daily allowance of data is shared across those applications. This daily allowance is not shared with applications for which you have chosen the Basic pricing option.

Support & SLA

If you have any questions or need help, please visit Azure Support and select self-help service or any other method to contact us for support.

Using Azure Monitor, you can gather detailed performance and usage data, as well as activity and diagnostic logs, and define alerts and notifications for Azure resources in a consistent manner. We guarantee that notifications will be delivered successfully at least 99.9% of the time. To learn more about the details of our Service Level Agreement, visit the Service Level Agreement page.